If your computer is slow to start and you think it was not the case before you should scan pc for problems to identify any potential viruses which are in your computer causing it to be slow.

It may be that there is no need to download the programs in memory. Implementation may also be that the problems caused by viruses, spyware and adware that affects your computer. Windows Registry to begin and determine how the volume when the software loads. You can use Windows tools to avoid the burden of these programs, which makes the computer start up time much faster.

Your computer will also have more memory when the operation of Windows is in operation leading lesser time and quick system responses to identify further you can scan pc for problems. To start with you should First Click Start, then click “Search. in “All or part of file name type” start-up than Click “Search”. Opening of the in the “start” menu in the search results when searching. To delete all the shortcuts in the Startup folder that you do not want to move the computer when Windows starts.

Repeat this step for each of the other “boot” of the program groups and folders in the window of search results. In addition you can always scan pc for problems. Internal configuration options for the verification of programs at the startup cancel or disable this option to start the program when Windows starts. Home Windows Defender then click on “Tools” and “Software Explorer”. Under the title “of” selection “boot” from the dropdown menu, you will see the left panel to view the programs on your computer.

Click on each item then search in the right panel to display the description. Click “Disable” in each program that you do not want to launch at startup. Then click the “Delete” button in the toolbar and select “Scan” to find adware and spyware on your computer scan pc for problems. Click Start then Run Type “msconfig” in this field. Select the “Start” button and uncheck the checkmark next to items you do not want to start when Windows starts.

Find the name of any file that does not recognize a website to find a job file. If the file is necessary for the operation of your computer, do not remove the check mark. Analyze the differences that you will have on the performance of your computer.

registry cleaning software


For more information Spyzooka is a very useful resource to know more about scanning pc for problems and identify related problems that affect you computer performance.

registry cleaning software: registry cleaning software

registry cleaning software: registry cleaning software

Article Source: www.articlesnatch.com